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Use these sermon notes and assessments every week in your 60-lesson Confirmation program.

Lesson 1 of CPH's 60-Week Confirmation curriculum teaches students, "What is confirmation?"

Lesson 2 of CPH's 60-Week Confirmation curriculum teaches students how the Creeds and Confessions answer the question, "Who is Jesus?"

Lesson 3 of CPH's 60-Week Confirmation curriculum gives students an introduction to the Small Catechism.

Lesson 4 of CPH's 60-Week Confirmation curriculum teaches students about reading God's Word.

Lesson 5 of CPH's 60-Week Confirmation curriculum teaches students, "What is worship?"

Lesson 6 of CPH's 60-Week Confirmation curriculum gives students an overview of the Small Catechism.

Lesson 7 of CPH's 60-Week Confirmation curriculum gives students an introduction to the Ten Commandments.

Lesson 8 of CPH's 60-Week Confirmation curriculum teaches students about the First Commandment.

Lesson 9 of CPH's 60-Week Confirmation curriculum teaches students about the Second Commandment.

Lesson 10 of CPH's 60-Week Confirmation curriculum teaches students about the Third Commandment.

Lesson 11 of CPH's 60-Week Confirmation curriculum teaches students about the Fourth Commandment.

Lesson 12 of CPH's 60-Week Confirmation curriculum teaches students about the Fifth Commandment.

Lesson 13 of CPH's 60-Week Confirmation curriculum teaches students about the Sixth Commandment.

Lesson 14 of CPH's 60-Week Confirmation curriculum teaches students about the Seventh Commandment.

Lesson 15 of CPH's 60-Week Confirmation curriculum teaches students about the Eighth Commandment.

Lesson 16 of CPH's 60-Week Confirmation curriculum teaches students about the Ninth and Tenth Commandments.

Lesson 17 of CPH's 60-Week Confirmation curriculum teaches students about the Close of the Commandments.

Lesson 18 of CPH's 60-Week Confirmation curriculum gives students an Introduction to the Creed.

Lesson 19 of CPH's 60-Week Confirmation curriculum teaches students about the First Article (Part 1).