Prayer & Devotion
Grow in your prayer and devotional life with articles and helpful tips. Learn practical tips for helping you spend more time in God's word every day.
Prayer: Standing before God’s Throne on Earth
If there is a spiritual struggle I’ve heard colleagues and coworkers raise again and again, it’s the struggle to maintain a disciplined prayer life. Perhaps it’s the busyness of our...
Praying with a Thankful Spirit
In her book The Hiding Place, Corrie ten Boom relates an incident that taught her always to be thankful. She and her sister, Betsy, had just been transferred to the worst Nazi prison...
Prayer | Lutheran Life Magazine
Overview of the Lord's Prayer
In this short video, Rev. Pete Jurchen gives an overview of the Lord's Prayer. To learn more about CPH's confirmation curriculum, visit
Luther’s Catechism Series: The Fourth Petition of the Lord’s Prayer
Every Sunday, as a community of believers, congregations say the Lord’s Prayer out loud. Luther goes into detail about what each petition of this prayer means, giving believers an...
Jesus Gives You the Perfect Prayer
I am far from an expert on prayer. I’m not the person to go to for tips on how to be consistent in prayer. I can remind you of the assurance we have in prayer because of Christ....
Planning Your Ideal Devotional Time
When planning time for daily devotions, ideally, what does that look like to you? If my ideal devotional time was fulfilled, I would find myself at my favorite lakeside coffee shop each...
Comforting Hymns for Listening at Home
I know I’m not alone when I say that during times of distress, I cling to music. I cling to melodies that I have come to love, especially melodies and lyrics that I can repeat as a...
5 Prayers to Use in Times of Turmoil
Times of turmoil can leave us shaken. We are reminded that we are not the ones in control. It teaches us that no day is guaranteed. But we can feel comforted knowing that Jesus is still...
5 Bible Verses to Cling to for Comfort
In the past few weeks, you’ve likely heard a lot of words—words such as pandemic, fear, quarantine, isolation, or even emergency. But the words you should heed the most are those of...
Continuing Community from Afar
Right now, something I’ve been hearing for ages is turning out to be more shallow than I had previously believed. We’ve all probably heard at some point that we live in a time where we...
The Four Different Loves in Your Life
In the New Testament, Christians are often told to love our brothers and sisters in Christ. The Greek language uses different words to describe love: storge, philia, eros, and agape, to...
How to Form New Devotional Habits
Can you believe that another year has come and gone?! In the blink of an eye, 2019 will be gone and 2020 will be here. For many, the start of the new year is a great time to think about...
You’ve Got a New Bible. Now What?
The past few months, I’ve been talking about new Bibles. From trying out a devotional Bible to gifting a Bible to someone, we’ve considered why finding the right Bible can enhance your...
Our Way Home | Free Videos on the Lord's Prayer
The Our Way Home video study in CPH FaithCourses invites you to study this model prayer and the beauty within it. Using vivid storytelling, Dr. Dan Paavola takes viewers through the Lord’s Prayer, le
Why a Devotional Bible Can Help Start a Bible-Reading Habit
I consistently remember to do my devotions but rarely think about going further into God's Word. It’s definitely a problem. I love that devotions center me on Christ, guide me through...
Hymn Devotions: The Lord’s My Shepherd, I’ll Not Want
This post is an excerpt adapted from Praise & Honor by Timothy J. Shoup
Adding Calligraphy to Your Devotion Time
Calligraphy is making a comeback. While penmanship is important, what is more important is the meaning behind the words themselves.
Fancy Prayers and Simple Words
Bring Him your simple words and join in the lovely scripted prayers of the Church, knowing He loves our words, no matter how we offer them. The number one comment I hear from people about pr
The Old Testament Background for the Sixth Petition
The Sixth Petition of the Lord’s Prayer is, in the minds of many people, the most challenging of the seven petitions to understand.
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