These three documents are bonus checks for understanding that you can use alongside the confirmation curriculum. By using one or more of these at different times, you will help build reflection skills in your learners and create more open feedback to you as a leader.
Sermon Notes
Distribute these sermon notes for students to use each week in worship. Once your learners are finished, have them hand their notes in and check to see how well they are understanding the sermon.
KWL Chart
This formative assessment helps students articulate what they know, what they want to learn, and what they have learned. This can be used in different ways, but perhaps it is best handed out at the beginning of a unit where your learners can either individually or in a group mark down what they know about the unit and/or want to know about the unit. At the end of the unit, consider revisiting the KWL chart to note down the different new insights they’ve learned.
Consider Your Confirmation
This formative assessment helps students assess their attitudes and habits each week either before or after confirmation class. After they hand this in, you should be able to get a good general idea of how they feel they’re progressing in both their understanding of the subject and their learning habits.