
Serve Elementary students and families at your church with ideas and tips from these articles. Find insights into the unique qualities of Elementary students and their faith.

  • Your Kids See Christ in Your Marriage: August 2024 Everyday Faith Calendar

    Your Kids See Christ in Your Marriage: August 2024 Everyday Faith Calendar

    My wedding anniversary is coming up. Every year midsummer, I think about the vows we made and how we continue to live out those vows. And if I’m being honest, sometimes I think about how...

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  • Distracted: July 2024 Everyday Faith Calendar

    Distracted: July 2024 Everyday Faith Calendar

    We’ve all felt the struggle. When you’re sitting in an awkward waiting room, when your kid asks you the same question over and over, when you’re tired at the end of a long day—we struggle...

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  • Calling Out to the Father: June 2024 Everyday Faith Calendar

    Calling Out to the Father: June 2024 Everyday Faith Calendar

    “Daddy! Daaaaaaaaaaaa-deeee! Daaaaaaaa-daaaaa! Dada! DADA!” My two-year-old cries out in the middle of the night. We can hear her over our audio monitor getting more frantic. She is...

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  • Struggles and Support: May 2024 Everyday Faith Calendar

    Struggles and Support: May 2024 Everyday Faith Calendar

    May isn’t just the month of Mother’s Day; it is also Maternal Mental Health Awareness Month. Before I became a mother, I thought that the conversation surrounding maternal mental health...

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  • Ordinary Callings: April 2024 Everyday Faith Calendar

    Ordinary Callings: April 2024 Everyday Faith Calendar

    In college, I attended a Bible study hosted at a pastor’s home. One week, he said our homework was to make a list of our biggest questions about faith, and we’d discuss them and seek...

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  • Parenting Guilt, God’s Grace: March 2024 Everyday Faith Calendar

    Parenting Guilt, God’s Grace: March 2024 Everyday Faith Calendar

    It was a month or so after our second child was born, and my almost two-year-old decided he wanted to join the rest of the family and stop sleeping too. Fighting bedtime, skipping his...

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  • Patterns: February 2024 Everyday Faith Calendar

    Patterns: February 2024 Everyday Faith Calendar

    I’ve never been a person who really relied on or noticed patterns in my life. I never struggled with feeling too scheduled or the opposite feeling of overwhelmed with no structure. That...

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  • Change: January 2024 Everyday Faith Calendar

    Change: January 2024 Everyday Faith Calendar

    “In 2024, I plan to . . .” Fill in the blank. Maybe you’re hoping to exercise more, eat healthier, start a new job, go on a big family trip, spend more time with your spouse, spend less...

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  • Jesus Bears Our Burdens: Everyday Faith Calendar December 2023

    Jesus Bears Our Burdens: Everyday Faith Calendar December 2023

    I never had any interest in watching the 1946 James Stewart Christmas classic, It’s a Wonderful Life, until college. Many adults and teens in my life had droned on about how boring they...

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  • Giving Thanks Biblically: November 2023 Everyday Faith Calendar

    Giving Thanks Biblically: November 2023 Everyday Faith Calendar

    We say the word thanks a lot in a day. We thank our spouse for filling up our coffee, we end emails with the word thanks, and we thank people for holding the door for us. As parents, we...

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  • Giving Thanks Biblically: November 2023 Everyday Faith Calendar

    Giving Thanks Biblically: November 2023 Everyday Faith Calendar

    We say the word thanks a lot in a day. We thank our spouse for filling up our coffee, we end emails with the word thanks, and we thank people for holding the door for us. As parents, we...

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  • Heroes: October 2023 Everyday Faith Calendar

    Heroes: October 2023 Everyday Faith Calendar

    I have no idea what or who my seventeen-month-old daughter will dress up as for our upcoming Halloween events. These days, it’s a big responsibility to make sure that your family costumes...

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  • The One Thing: September 2023 Everyday Faith Calendar

    The One Thing: September 2023 Everyday Faith Calendar

    “Don’t you see how hard I’m working?” “I feel like my work goes unappreciated.” “It seems like no matter what I do, it’s never enough. There’s always one more thing.”

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  • Meal Time Investment: August 2023 Everyday Faith Calendar

    Meal Time Investment: August 2023 Everyday Faith Calendar

    Before having kids, my husband and I believed that family dinners would come naturally. Neither of our parents seemed to have much trouble making this happen, so we thought we wouldn’t...

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  • Growing in God: July 2023 Everyday Faith Calendar

    Growing in God: July 2023 Everyday Faith Calendar

     “What dis?” my son asked, pointing to the ultrasound picture of our baby, due next month. “Baby brother!” I said, pointing to the picture and pointing to my tummy. Then I dug around in...

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  • Faithful in Prayer: June 2023 Everyday Faith Calendar

    Faithful in Prayer: June 2023 Everyday Faith Calendar

    There’s a joke in my family that my older sister was baptized in the kitchen sink by my maternal grandmother. I have no idea whether the tale is tall or true, but I can imagine it might...

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  • Making Space: May 2023 Everyday Faith Calendar

    Making Space: May 2023 Everyday Faith Calendar

    I walk into the sanctuary with my newborn daughter strapped into a baby carrier and a diaper bag on my back. I’m only a few minutes early to service, but it’s a relatively empty space....

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  • 3 Verses for Parenthood: April 2023 Everyday Faith Calendar

    3 Verses for Parenthood: April 2023 Everyday Faith Calendar

    Having my daughter last spring has definitely changed my walk with Christ. Busy days come with sleepless nights and quiet moments are often broken with cute coos and not-as-cute cries...

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  • Keeping the Faith: March 2023 Everyday Faith Calendar

    Keeping the Faith: March 2023 Everyday Faith Calendar

    “I’d be LIVID if someone prayed with/to/at my kids.” My heart leapt into my throat and then sank as I read these words from a Facebook group on parenting. The original post had asked for...

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  • Repetition: February 2023 Everyday Faith Calendar

    Repetition: February 2023 Everyday Faith Calendar

    The words of Proverbs 3:1–4 tumble around in my head and heart often as I go through my day with my three small children:

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