
Dig deeper into Scripture with these blog posts and articles curated for pastors. Gain meaningful insights to share with your congregation members.

  • Digging Deeper into Scripture: Ephesians 1:3–14

    Digging Deeper into Scripture: Ephesians 1:3–14

    Many teachings in the Bible are easy to understand and accept. Such teachings include the following:

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  • The Lutheran Confessions in Daily Life  | CPH Podcast with Rev. Andy Wright38:46

    The Lutheran Confessions in Daily Life | CPH Podcast with Rev. Andy Wright

    This episode of The Concordia Publishing House Podcast features author Pastor Andy Wright as he previews his new book, Faithfully Formed: The Lutheran Confessions in Daily Life. Andy joins host Elizab

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  • The Gospel of John: An Overview

    The Gospel of John: An Overview

    The plain bows into the Sea of Galilee where families of fishers settled and built their homes. The villagers prospered and, with the help of a centurion, built a synagogue. The...

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  • The Gospel of John: An Overview

    The Gospel of John: An Overview

    The plain bows into the Sea of Galilee where families of fishers settled and built their homes. The villagers prospered and, with the help of a centurion, built a synagogue. The...

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  • Digging Deeper into Scripture: Melchizedek

    Digging Deeper into Scripture: Melchizedek

    My wife and I are blessed with a large group of nieces and nephews. Our oldest nephew, who is now all grown up, recently celebrated his birthday. As I spoke to him on the phone to wish...

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  • The Gospel of Luke: An Overview

    The Gospel of Luke: An Overview

    The Jerusalem temple was overlaid with so much gold that persons who saw it described its blinding effects as it glistened in the sun. Herod the Great refurbished it. He surrounded it...

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  • Digging Deeper into Scripture: The Day of Pentecost (Acts 2:1–21)

    Digging Deeper into Scripture: The Day of Pentecost (Acts 2:1–21)

    Upon finishing my teaching degree at what is now Concordia University Chicago, I was recruited to serve as a missionary in Taiwan (ROC—Republic of China), where I spent two and a half...

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  • The Gospel of Mark: An Overview

    The Gospel of Mark: An Overview

    Forty-one times Mark describes the events flowing around Jesus’ life with the word immediately (in Greek, euthus), propelling the reader toward the cross where Jesus would die, giving His...

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  • Digging Deeper into Scripture: John 20:19–31

    Digging Deeper into Scripture: John 20:19–31

    When we use the expression “take my word for it,” we are asking another person or group to trust that what we are saying is true. More specifically, we are asking this person or group to...

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  • The Minor Prophets: An Overview

    The Minor Prophets: An Overview

    The Greek title “Book of the Twelve” (dodekapropheton) describes [the last twelve] of the Latter Prophets in the Hebrew canon. Jesus son of Sirach perhaps referred to this title when he...

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  • Ordinary Callings: April 2024 Everyday Faith Calendar

    Ordinary Callings: April 2024 Everyday Faith Calendar

    In college, I attended a Bible study hosted at a pastor’s home. One week, he said our homework was to make a list of our biggest questions about faith, and we’d discuss them and seek...

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  • Digging Deeper into Scripture: Mark 10:35–45

    Digging Deeper into Scripture: Mark 10:35–45

    I grew up reading comic books (often when I should have been studying). I was fascinated by the heroes, stories, art, and action. Back then, you could buy comic books at the grocery...

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  • Assurance for Times of Change | CPH Podcast with Christopher M. Kennedy24:22

    Assurance for Times of Change | CPH Podcast with Christopher M. Kennedy

    On this episode of The Concordia Publishing House Podcast, Pastor Chris Kennedy joins host Elizabeth Pittman to preview his newest book, Unfailing: God’s Assurance for Times of Change. Pastor Kennedy

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  • The Gospel of Matthew: An Overview

    The Gospel of Matthew: An Overview

    The first book of the New Testament begins in a manner similar to the first book of the Old Testament: focused on genealogy (cf Matthew 1:1–17; Genesis 5). Matthew sketches for us a human...

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  • Digging Deeper into Scripture: Genesis 22:1–18

    Digging Deeper into Scripture: Genesis 22:1–18

    The United States enjoys what is largely a free-market economy. Those entering and competing in the free-market economy vie for the attention of the consumer and do so, in part, with...

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  • The Major Prophets: An Overview

    The Major Prophets: An Overview


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  • Malachi: An Overview

    Malachi: An Overview

    God speaks through Malachi to rebuke His people for their unrighteousness, specifically the priests for their failure to fulfill their duties and to those marrying foreign idolatrous...

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  • Digging Deeper into Scripture: Ephesians 5:22–33

    Digging Deeper into Scripture: Ephesians 5:22–33

    When working with couples in premarital counseling, we study a range of topics germane to wedding and marriage, such as finances, children, in-laws, chores in the home, expectations, and...

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  • Zechariah: An Overview

    Zechariah: An Overview

    When Zechariah was prophesying, the people of Judah were standing amidst the destruction of their once glorious city. With no city and no temple, the people of Judah had no hope; they...

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  • Digging Deeper into Scripture: Psalm 126

    Digging Deeper into Scripture: Psalm 126

    In this psalm, after the Israelites had been exiled in Babylon for seventy years, we see God’s restoration of His people—not merely restoration from exile but foreshadowing our spiritual...

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