Concordia Publishing House

  • The Gospel of John: An Overview

    The Gospel of John: An Overview

    The plain bows into the Sea of Galilee where families of fishers settled and built their homes. The villagers prospered and, with the help of a centurion, built a synagogue. The...

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  • Help Young People Defend the Faith with This Apologetics Curriculum

    Help Young People Defend the Faith with This Apologetics Curriculum

    The world is full of worldviews. Christians have always faced lies about Jesus and His ministry, and Christians witness best when they are well prepared. In 1 Peter 3:15, we are reminded...

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  • How to Equip Youth with Resilient Minds

    How to Equip Youth with Resilient Minds

    Mental health awareness has increased significantly over the last decade, especially for our youth. When it comes to addressing these important topics and conversations, there are a lot...

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  • The Gospel of Luke: An Overview

    The Gospel of Luke: An Overview

    The Jerusalem temple was overlaid with so much gold that persons who saw it described its blinding effects as it glistened in the sun. Herod the Great refurbished it. He surrounded it...

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  • Noteworthy People in Church Music: Johann Walter

    Noteworthy People in Church Music: Johann Walter

    There are numerous historical figures who gave their gifts to Lutheranism and hymnody as a whole. Their contributions to Christianity give us amazing ways to praise God and all that He...

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  • How to Answer 5 Common Questions about Jesus Christ

    How to Answer 5 Common Questions about Jesus Christ

    The Bible is a massive book comprising so many important stories of biblical figures. Yet, when reading through it or listening to the readings on Sunday, many things about Jesus can come...

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  • 2024 New Music Catalog

    2024 New Music Catalog

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  • The Gospel of Mark: An Overview

    The Gospel of Mark: An Overview

    Forty-one times Mark describes the events flowing around Jesus’ life with the word immediately (in Greek, euthus), propelling the reader toward the cross where Jesus would die, giving His...

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  • The Minor Prophets: An Overview

    The Minor Prophets: An Overview

    The Greek title “Book of the Twelve” (dodekapropheton) describes [the last twelve] of the Latter Prophets in the Hebrew canon. Jesus son of Sirach perhaps referred to this title when he...

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  • Five Devotions for Holy Week

    Five Devotions for Holy Week

    Holy Week and Easter are incredibly important times in the Church Year. Jesus prepared for His crucifixion, and we, too, should reflect as we move through Holy Week, knowing that His...

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  • Celebrating the 500th Anniversary of the First Lutheran Hymnal

    Celebrating the 500th Anniversary of the First Lutheran Hymnal

    Beloved Lutheran hymnals have a long history, dating all the way back to 1524 in Germany. Each variation has been used for different purposes, such as a home devotional that eventually...

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  • Free Teaching Tools for Holy Week and Easter

    Free Teaching Tools for Holy Week and Easter

    The celebration of Easter is the celebration of God’s grace and what He has done for us through the gift of His Son, Jesus Christ. Make sure the children around you know why with these...

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  • The Gospel of Matthew: An Overview

    The Gospel of Matthew: An Overview

    The first book of the New Testament begins in a manner similar to the first book of the Old Testament: focused on genealogy (cf Matthew 1:1–17; Genesis 5). Matthew sketches for us a human...

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  • Five Easy-to-Learn Sheet Music Options for Easter

    Five Easy-to-Learn Sheet Music Options for Easter

    Every spring, Easter comes around in the Church Year as a celebration of the battle Christ has won for believers everywhere. He has conquered the devil, died for your sins, and defeated...

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  • 2024 CPH Spring Catalog

    2024 CPH Spring Catalog

    Bloom in your faith this spring with books for all ages. From learning how to forgive and turn a new leaf to gifts for every occasion in spring, we’ve got something for you.

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  • The Major Prophets: An Overview

    The Major Prophets: An Overview


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  • Top Children’s Hymns for Lent

    Top Children’s Hymns for Lent

    Lent is a reflective and beautiful time in the Church Year. As we prepare to enter this season, you may notice some children are more familiar with this time as one to “take a break” from...

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  • 3 Principles to Guide Your Study of the Old Testament

    3 Principles to Guide Your Study of the Old Testament

    The Bible makes it clear that Jesus is the main focus of the New Testament. After all, it was His sacrifice on the cross that saved us. But the importance of Jesus as the Messiah can’t be...

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  • Malachi: An Overview

    Malachi: An Overview

    God speaks through Malachi to rebuke His people for their unrighteousness, specifically the priests for their failure to fulfill their duties and to those marrying foreign idolatrous...

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  • Downloadable Sheet Music for Lent

    Downloadable Sheet Music for Lent

      Planning the music for Lenten services can be a monumental task. Not only are there Sunday services but midweek and Holy Week services too. Open up your options with digital music that...

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