Pastors and Elders

November 7, 2011

What are elders responsible for? How can we build trust between the pastor and elders? Who is in charge? How can we hold one another accountable? If these questions sound familiar, it's because every church struggles at times with knowing how to foster a healthy relationship between pastors and elders. "Pastors and Elders" from Concordia Publishing House helps define the roles and responsibilities of each position, outlines where authority should lie, and provides recommendations of how to build trust and accountability within the congregation. This training manual includes discussion questions at the end of each chapter, along with helpful resources, such as sample meeting agendas, reports, templates for congregational letters, and much more. Together with the companion DVD, "Pastors and Elders" provides the Lutheran congregation with strategies for leaders to work effectively as a team for the sake of the Lord and His Church.

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