God's Provision in a Wilderness World | Lindsay Hausch

April 27, 2023

Author Lindsay Hausch joins in on the most recent episode of The Concordia Publishing House Podcast as she previews her newest book, God’s Provision in a Wilderness World, with host Elizabeth Pittman. In her new women’s Bible study, Lindsay pushes readers to focus on the promises and presence of Jesus in God’s Word. Manna reminds us mercies are new every morning as God refreshes and feeds our souls. Download a sample of Lindsay’s most recent Bible study by visiting books.cph.org/gods-provision-in-a-wilderness-world. The title will release on cph.org in May 2023. Show Notes: We face a wilderness where our worldly effort to satisfy leaves our hearts empty and aching. In her newest book, Lindsay Hausch invites readers to look closely at the experiences that the Israelites had during their 40 years in the wilderness. As we do this, she encourages us to see how the creator is blessing us today with his gifts in our everyday struggles. Listen to the full episode as Lindsay reflects on writing her second book with CPH, recognizing our own wilderness, and seeing the manna that God gives us each and every day. Questions Covered • What inspired you to write this Bible study? • Are there any similarities between this book and your last book, Take Heart: God’s Comfort for Anxious Thoughts? • The humble sticky note makes a cameo in the book. Tell us about that. How can we use sticky notes to encourage others? • How does the story of the Israelites’ wandering the wilderness for 40 years relate to us today? • What are some aspects of the story of the Israelite’s wilderness wandering that stand out to you? • As you talked with your community about wilderness seasons in their lives, what did you learn? • What are some signs we are entering our own wilderness? What encouragement or advice do you have for those who are walking through a wilderness season? • “Sitting atop a question mark” – what does that mean? • You write about God refreshing us with manna. What does the word “manna” mean? • What is the manna God is giving us today? • It can be hard to settle down and focus on clearing a mental space for a Bible study with all the demands on our time. What tips can you share to help us “clear the decks” so we can grow closer to God? • What is God’s provision in our lives? • I understand you’re a coffee fan. Do you have a preferred brew? Way of preparing it? Special mug or time of day for enjoying coffee? About the Guest Lindsay Hausch is an author, speaker, and pastor’s wife. She co-leads a mental health support prayer group at her church and enjoys speaking to women and other church groups about seeking God’s heart in the midst of a fast-paced life. Lindsay is passionate about hope in life's everyday struggles, overcoming anxious thoughts, depression, and difficult emotions. She most enjoys serving alongside her husband, discipling her three children, and getting quiet with God whenever she can. Learn more about Lindsay by visiting her website at lindsayhausch.com.

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