Digging Deeper into Scripture: Luke 3:15–22
I was a kid in the late seventies and the early eighties. At the time, Sears was a popular department store. This long-standing company sold a brand of children’s pants called...
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2 Corinthians: An Overview
The surpassing value of 2 Corinthians is the opportunity it gives us to view the great care—through both Law and Gospel—that Paul and his colleagues provided to a wayward congregation. We...
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What the Old Testament Teaches About Vocation
There are plenty of places in the Bible to turn to when you need guidance. While the New Testament is filled with Christ’s parables that offer strong advice, the Old Testament is also...
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Digging Deeper into Scripture: Luke 7:18–28
Visiting the homebound, the hospitalized, those living in nursing homes, and the imprisoned is a privilege and a joy. Those in such circumstances are welcoming and happy to receive...
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1 Corinthians: An Overview
Waves of the Aegean Sea lap the north shore of the Saronic Gulf in southeastern Greece. From Athens on the east end of the gulf to Cenchreae on the west, the apostle Paul had a 65-mile...
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Digging Deeper into Scripture: Mark 13:1–13
As I am writing this blog, Christmas is still two months away. However, there are already signs of its coming. Recently, I did some shopping. Halloween has yet to pass and there are...
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Digging Deeper into Scripture: Mark 10:17–22
Can you remember the last time you purchased a piece of furniture or appliance, understanding that your purchase would require some assembly at home? You likely returned home from the...
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Digging Deeper into Scripture: James 3:1–12
When I am counseling couples before marriage, I encourage them to avoid discussing any important issues before 9:00 a.m. and after 9:00 p.m. Most people are at their best in the 9:00 a.m....
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The Book of Romans: An Overview
Stepping from the shadows of the Ausoni Mountains, walking northward along the famous Appian Way, the apostle Paul reached the coastal plains of Italy that stretched all the way to...
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Digging Deeper into Scripture: John 6:51–69
With the death of Jesus Christ on the cross, His resurrection, and His ascension in heaven, the early church had its beginning. Through the work of the Holy Spirit, the apostles, and the...
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Digging Deeper into Scripture: Ephesians 1:3–14
Many teachings in the Bible are easy to understand and accept. Such teachings include the following:
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3 Bible Teachings about Change
This blog is an excerpt from Unfailing: God's Assurance for Times of Changeby Christopher M. Kennedy.
The Bible is all about change. God created all things good. Then Adam and Eve fell...
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The Gospel of Luke: An Overview
The Jerusalem temple was overlaid with so much gold that persons who saw it described its blinding effects as it glistened in the sun. Herod the Great refurbished it. He surrounded it...
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The Gospel of Mark: An Overview
Forty-one times Mark describes the events flowing around Jesus’ life with the word immediately (in Greek, euthus), propelling the reader toward the cross where Jesus would die, giving His...
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Digging Deeper into Scripture: John 20:19–31
When we use the expression “take my word for it,” we are asking another person or group to trust that what we are saying is true. More specifically, we are asking this person or group to...
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