Mental health awareness has increased significantly over the last decade, especially for our youth. When it comes to addressing these important topics and conversations, there are a lot of resources to choose from. How do you find a mental health curriculum that builds up healthy habits while keeping Christ at the center? Our new Resilient Minds: Christ-Centered Mental Health Curriculum for 5th–8th grade makes answering this question a no-brainer!
Strength-Based Approach
Several resources tend to provide tools after mental health concerns have already arisen. This is where Resilient Minds stands apart as the curriculum has a strength-based approach, meaning it will help your youth have these tools in their arsenal before mental health concerns arise.
Students will learn not just that stress, anxiety, and other emotions are normal but also that God has already equipped them with a mind that can be resilient when they begin to feel these things. The curriculum also points them back to their faith using Scripture to reinforce their identity in Christ.
All twelve lessons have been created by experts in the field consisting of leaders in Christian higher education and a licensed mental health counselor. These lessons don’t place an expectation for the teacher to diagnose mental health symptoms in their students but to help them build strength and awareness.
When to Build Resiliency in Youth
The earlier youth have these tools, the better armed they will be when life presents challenges. Students can use Resilient Minds as early as 5th–6th grade with age-appropriate lessons and journal prompts found in the Student Book. The 5th–6th grade Student Book and 7th–8th grade Student Book vary in depth for each lesson, so students using this in 5th grade won’t repeat the same lesson when they are in 7th grade; they will build on the knowledge they already have.
Helpful Tools to Equip Resilient Minds
The 5th–6th Teacher Guide and 7th–8th grade Teacher Guide each come with detailed instructions on how to use the curriculum. It’s important to note that the purpose of this curriculum is not to diagnose conditions but to provide helpful tools for managing challenges in a mentally healthy way. Each Teacher Guide includes the following:
PowerPoint® Slides
These slides make up the bulk of the curriculum with clear teaching points and objectives as you go through the materials together.
Each lesson has its own PowerPoint presentation, reducing the stress of lesson prep and making it easier to implement lessons into your class schedule. Access to these slides will be delivered digitally with the purchase of the Teacher Guide.
Mental Wellness Strategies
Each lesson provides a set of mental wellness strategies that you and your class can go through together. These strategies provide your students with simple tools they can use at any point throughout their day, in and outside of school. These strategies were provided by a licensed mental health counselor and have been known to be beneficial for people of all ages.
Mental Health Search Terms
If at any point you would like to dig deeper into a certain lesson or topic, check out the mental health search terms section at the end of each lesson. These search times will help give you a jumping-off point for learning more information on relevant topics.
You can also share these terms with your students’ parents/guardians should they want to learn more.
Note: Please do not use these search terms to diagnose mental health concerns; please consult a professional if you have cause for concern.
Resilient Minds at School and Home
Every lesson comes with a digital, editable letter that you can send home to parents/guardians. These prewritten letters provide language and context for what is being taught in the classroom. Add your own notes as needed to bring further context or encourage open dialogue while working through the content.
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Life in a broken world is challenging. Help your students develop the strength and awareness they need to face it head-on with the help of God.