A God Beaten

A God Beaten

Lent Images | Week 2

Today, we recall that the man Jesus was struck in the home of the high priest, although He was our great High Priest. He was struck according to God’s will; He was beaten for us!

As we move through this season of Lent, it will become increasingly clear why God became man: He lived this physical life in order to be nailed to a cross. Thereby, we are truly preparing for the celebration of His real, bodily, flesh-and-blood resurrection. Without that, our faith and our preaching are all in vain. God the Son became the embodied, incarnate Son of Mary. In Jesus, God has human flesh, a body, just like us. What could be more profound? Behold the man, who has led the way for us through death to our own physical resurrection!

Bible Readings

Isaiah 52:13—53:12 

John 18:19-24


Devotions adapted from Behold the Man! Resources for Lent-Easter Preaching and Worship © 2018 Concordia Publishing House. Scripture: ESV®.

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