How One Organization Shares the Gospel with Single Mothers and Families

April 5, 2024 Concordia Gospel Outreach

In recent decades, Christianity has continued to decline across the United States. Many factors go into the decreasing rate of those who have heard and accepted the Gospel message, including the secularization of society as well as the disconnect that sometimes happens between the church and underserved groups, such as single mothers and economically disadvantaged families.

Concordia Gospel Outreach’s (CGO) mission is to get God’s Word into the hands of those who need it most. In December 2023, CGO focused on this mission by working with three organizations across three states that serve single mothers and underprivileged families in a Christian environment.

Making Connections

We all certainly need the hope of the Gospel in this world. While we can point to the COVID-19 pandemic, inflation, or other strife as scapegoats, these issues are all representative of a larger issue: we live in a sinful world. 

While we all experience trials, the challenges of life and the need for hope in Jesus are especially felt by those who are underserved and undersupported, living in poverty, or wondering where their next meal will come from. This is why CGO prioritized connecting with organizations that support single mothers and underprivileged families, providing a glimmer of hope for the downcast. 

These partnerships fostered connection and hope; an unquantifiable metric that is crucial in these families’ lives. We were blessed to partake in sharing practical resources as well as the Good News of Jesus with these organizations, including gifts of Bibles, children’s books, devotionals, Bible studies, Spanish resources, and more. 

Breakfast with Baby is one of the organizations to whom supplies were sent. This charitable group is an effort run by Our Savior Lutheran Church in Carol Stream, IL. Once a month, the church opens its doors to underprivileged families to have a warm meal, receive care items for their babies, and learn about Jesus through Christian resources.

Second, CGO donated to Redeeming Life Outreach Ministries, a maternity home organization with a location in Florida as well as a new home opening in Illinois. This organization was also given Bibles, hymnals, devotion books, and more to stock the shelves in their homes.

A Place of Refuge Ministries-Blog-24Finally, A Place of Refuge Ministries (APOR) is a crisis pregnancy center and women’s shelter serving southern Wisconsin and beyond. They received Christian curriculum books for children, hymnals and music, Bible study books, daily prayer books and more to gift to the women they serve. In these situations of crisis, danger, hopelessness, and fear, these resources shine the light of Jesus. 

Concordia Publishing House has expanded our biblical, confessional and theological resources for mothers and their children at our Refuge House by graciously donating the LSB Self Study Bibles, Luther’s Catechisms, LSB Hymnals, and many other adult and children’s resources. It is a tremendous gift for APOR! We treasure and appreciate the generosity of CPH to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
–Deaconess Grace Rao, Executive Director, A Place of Refuge Ministries

Continued Impact 

Through these kinds of outreach projects, CGO can connect more and more beloved children of God with the Gospel message. It may seem like a small thing, but getting a Bible for the first time, reading a children’s story about Jesus, or saying a short daily prayer from a devotional book impacts those struggling in big ways. As Psalm 121:1–2 says, “I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come? My help comes from the LORD, who made heaven and earth.” The Gospel is telling people that they have somewhere—Someone—to whom they can turn. We continue to share this hope until Jesus returns. 

Scripture: ESV®.

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