How to Practice Good Stewardship through Increased Productivity in the Church Office

May 28, 2024 Concordia Technology Solutions

CTS-Assessment-Companion-BlogWhen you think of stewardship, what comes to mind? In the church setting, we typically think of stewardship in terms of financial contributions and tithing. But stewardship can tie into a number of things, including how we steward our time in the church office. Without assessing church office practices, it’s possible to practice poor stewardship without even knowing it!

Getting the Most Out of Your Tech Stack

When you think about your church office’s technology, do you resonate with any of the following statements?

  • “If it’s not broken, don’t fix it.”
  • “It does the job.”
  • “I have no complaints.”
  • “We’ve always done it this way.”
  • “Our budget is too tight to upgrade.”

While these statements are completely understandable, and limitations—budgetary or otherwise—are a real thing, these attitudes can be detrimental for getting the most out of your church’s technology, or “tech stack.”

Where Stewardship Comes In

Your current software and technology—or lack thereof—is an expenditure of precious time and/or resources. If you’re using church funds on outdated, clunky, or laggy software, is that good stewardship of the financial contributions of your members? If you pay part-time or full-time staff to do monotonous, administrative tasks by hand, is that good stewardship of his or her time or the church’s resources? 

This poor stewardship, even though inadvertent, doesn’t serve you, your staff, or your members well. But, if you don’t see anything wrong with your current technology, or you’re not sure how it could be improved, where do you begin? 

Assessing Your Technology

Determining what your church office’s software and technology is doing well and where it’s lacking can be nebulous. This is why we rolled out a FREE technology assessment program! In these free assessments, our software consultants will walk you through a series of questions about your current software solutions in terms of congregational records, events and attendance, offerings and eGiving, and other categories. Your answers, with the consultants’ expertise, will help reveal what’s working and what’s not. 

Getting Back Your Time

When your technology helps you rather than hinders you, your church office staff will be able to be more productive, thus freeing up time and energy to focus on caring for your church community. Take the first step in practicing improved stewardship with your time and resources by taking a look at your current software solutions. You, your office staff, and your members will be glad you did! 

Do you need a starting point in identifying opportunities for increased productivity in your church office? Sign up for a FREE church office tech assessment with our team of software consultants.  


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