
2024 Fall Catalog

Issue link: https://discover.cph.org/i/1524719

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N E W R E L E A S E S A B O U T T H E AU T H O R Dr. Chad Lakies (MDiv, PhD) is Vice President for Ministry Engagement within the United States at Lu- theran Hour Ministries. His former life as a nonbeliever provides exceedingly relevant experience for thinking about how to engage with friends and neighbors out- side the kingdom of God. He and his wife, Bethany, have two daughters, Anabel and Daphne. How the Light Shines Through Resilient Witness in Dark Times Chad Lakies Our world never ceases to change. And in this change, God brings you new experiences that He has planned for you. How can you talk to others about Christianity in a world that feels like it's constantly pushing against it? Is there a way to overcome your own feelings of loss and resentment to truly reach out and witness to an ever-changing world? Find practical advice from Rev. Dr. Chad Lakies as he helps you understand the secular world, your own identity in it through Christ, and how to reach out to all people about His Word. 124680 $17.99 6 C P H . O R G / F A L L Christ, Culture, and Cinema How Faith and Films Intersect Jeffrey Skopak New movies are constantly being released, but what do they say about the culture? Discussions of seven popu- lar movies help us show how Christ addresses the issues movies pose. 124614 $17.99 Faith That Shines in the Culture Alfonso Espinosa Examine both your vocation and the three estates to un- derstand how you are meant to live out God's gifts in the church, in government, in your family, and in your personal life. 124656 $17.99 Faith That Engages the Culture Alfonso Espinosa God purposely places peo- ple in your life who need His Word. Learn the tools you need to witness to all people at all times using the engage- ment triangle with this well-re- searched guidebook. 124599 $17.99 Faith That Sees through the Culture Alfonso Espinosa The Bible is filled with paradox- es and both-and statements. Learn how you can live in the tension of two seemingly contradictory things, embrac- ing that both can be true with Christ. 124547 $17.99 New!

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