
2024 Fall Catalog

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N E W R E L E A S E S A B O U T T H E AU T H O R Gene Edward Veith Jr. is a retired English profes- sor and college administrator. He is the author of twenty-seven books, including The Spirituality of the Cross, Authentic Christianity, and God at Work. He has a PhD from the University of Kansas and lives in Missouri with his wife, Jackquelyn. He has three grown children and twelve grandchildren. Authentic Christianity How Lutheran Theology Speaks to a Postmodern World Gene Edward Veith Jr. and A. Trevor Sutton Uncover how the Lutheran tra- dition addresses the postmod- ern condition of burnt-out be- lievers by being confessional, sacramental, and vocational. 124527 $17.99 Embracing Your Lutheran Identity Gene Edward Veith Jr. Wear your baptismal identity and Christian heritage as a badge of honor. As you consider what your personal identity is, author Gene Edward Veith Jr. reminds you of the long history you've inherited as a Christian. Starting from the early church and moving through the Reformation to Lutheranism today, discover the rich history that you belong to. This book features numerous reflection questions in each chapter to help you dig deep and find the answers you're searching for. Work through them individ- ually or talk them over in a small group setting to get the most out of this book. 124685 $17.99 1 . 8 0 0 . 3 2 5 . 3 0 4 0 5 Being Lutheran A. Trevor Sutton Take away all the notions you have about Lutheranism and discover what it truly means to be a Lutheran. See how it's as simple as following Jesus and going where He leads you. 124473 $17.99 Confessing Jesus The Heart of Being a Lutheran Molly Lackey As you aim to define who you are, consider taking a step back and returning to the Bible. Seek your answer in Jesus Christ to see how He is your primary source of identity. 124629 $17.99 The Spirituality of the Cross The Way of the First Evangelicals, Third Edition Gene Edward Veith Jr. Settle in to the topic of spiritu- ality in Christianity and learn about Lutheranism, justifica- tion, the means of grace, and vocation. 124615 $17.99 Audiobook available New!

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