
2024 Fall Catalog

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A B O U T T H E AU T H O R Andy Wright serves as senior pastor of St. John's Lutheran Church in Topeka, Kansas, and previously served St. John Lutheran Church in Keystone, Iowa. He holds a BA in biblical languages from Concordia University in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Pastor Wright also holds an MDiv and an STM in systematic theology from Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, Indi- ana. He is currently working on his dissertation pertain- ing to the Lutheran Confessions for a PhD in doctrinal theology from Concordia Seminary in St. Louis. Pastor Wright and his wife, Rebekah, have been blessed by God with four daughters, a son, and chil- dren who went to be with the Lord from the womb. A B O U T T H E AU T H O R Joel Biermann teaches systematic theology at Con- cordia Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri. He is the author of Blessed Is the Man: Psalms of Divine Wisdom and Courageous Fathers of the Bible. Faithfully Formed The Lutheran Confessions in Daily Life Andy Wright As a Christian, there are numerous questions you ask yourself daily. As you turn to Scripture to find the answers, there's another book that's filled with guidance: Concordia: The Lutheran Confessions. By combining the wisdom in both, you can answer questions such as "Who is God?"; "Who am I?"; and "What is the world to me?" "Pastor Wright has authored a wonderful resource for living out our confession- al heritage. I am excited to use this book within my congregation!" —Rev. Dr. A. Trevor Sutton, senior pastor, St. Luke Lutheran Church; author of Being Lutheran 124674 $17.99 Day 7 For Work, Rest, or Play Joel Biermann This book is about your life. It's a theological answer to the question "What was I meant to do?" that only the Creator can answer. Take a look at answers about who you are meant to be, and more importantly, the difference between a life of activity and a life of leisure and contemplation. Both are beautiful to the Cre- ator's eye, and each offers something different to the world. As you explore these ideas, unpack how they relate to fulfilling the Sabbath. You'll see that even work and play fulfill a life that lives out the Third Command- ment beautifully. 124697 $17.99 New! New! N E W R E L E A S E S 4 C P H . O R G / F A L L

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