Church Website Home Page Essentials

July 23, 2024 Hannah Hansen



Your church website home page is the first page visitors will see when they come to your site. To that end, it’s important for this page to include all the information they’d need to understand what your church believes, how they can attend services, and how they can reach you.You don’t have to be a web developer to create an impactful home page. We’ve compiled our best church website home page ideas to give you some inspiration to design your own! 

Eye-Catching Banner 

At the top of your church website home page, you should have an eye-catching banner. We recommend keeping this graphic simple and clear—including a simple message like “Welcome to St. Luke’s Lutheran Church.” The background of this banner could be an image of your church or sanctuary or just a plain-colored background. 

A well-designed and high-quality banner is key to your home page because it sets the tone for the rest of your church website. And, because it’s the first item visitors will see on your site, it’s important to make sure it’s easy to read and clear. 

Service Times and Location 

Next, you should always include your service times and location when building your church website home page. When someone visits your site, they’ll likely be looking for this information first, so including it toward the top of your home page is a good strategic decision. You can keep it simple, including your address (or addresses if you have multiple campuses), service time(s), and worship styles. 

Keep your descriptions of your services short here—you can dive into more detail on other pages on your website. On your home page, it’s best to keep this information as brief yet informative as possible. 

Brief Statement of Beliefs 

Being upfront about what your church believes can answer many questions a potential visitor might have. You don’t need to dive into your full statement of beliefs here. Rather, your church website home page is a chance for you to share a brief statement on what you believe so that visitors can have an overview of your church. 

Try limiting this section to two-to-three sentences, and then include a link to your full beliefs page, where people can go to read more if they’re interested. We’ve included a sample statement to give you an idea of what to include! 

St. Luke’s is a Christian church that believes in the triune God, that Jesus died for our sins, and that salvation is found in Christ alone. We joyfully belong to The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. 

Call to Action 

Perhaps the most important part of your church website home page is a call to action. A call to action is the next step you want your website visitors to take. Maybe it’s to contact your pastor, or maybe you want them to plan their in-person visit to your next worship service. 

Think strategically when building your church website about what next step would make the most sense for visitors but also would make the most sense for your staff. Does your pastor have time to reply to every email that comes through from a site visitor? Are you able to manage multiple pages and forms on your website to help visitors plan their visit to your campus? It’s important to not just create these avenues of communication but also maintain them.  

Get started designing your church website home page with a free 30-day Church360° Unite trial. 

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