
2024 Fall Catalog

Issue link: https://discover.cph.org/i/1524719

Contents of this Issue


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Promised Rest Finding Peace in God's Presence Michelle Diercks Find God's promised rest in this eight-week study. Dis- cover ways to rest as you study God's Word and various names we call Him. Coloring pages are included. 204290 $17.99 Be Thou My Guide A Bible Study on Trusting God Margo Heath-Dupre This study encourages us to draw close to the Lord with trusting hearts and minds and not to rely on ourselves and choose the ways of the world. Use this study to be encour- aged to live as a child of God. 204262 $14.99 Inspired by the Holy Spirit Four Habits for Faithful Living Christina Hergenrader Turn to the Holy Spirit to find real meaning in life away from business and consumerism. These four habits can help you evaluate your spiritual habits and reconnect you to the Savior. 204291 $17.99 Altogether Beautiful A Study of the Song of Songs Heidi Goehmann Go on an eight-week jour- ney through Song of Songs to learn that God sees all His daughters as beautiful. Dis- cover spiritual truths, ponder questions found in the Bible, and see Christ's fantastic love. 204227 $20.99 Leaning on Jesus A Study of God's Strength Deb Burma In a world of worries and weariness, learn how to lean on Jesus. In this eight-week study, see how you can lean forward to listen, lean back to rest, and lean on Jesus for His loving support. 204296 $19.99 God's Provision in a Wilderness World Lindsay Hausch Go on a 40-day journey through the biblical wilder- ness in Exodus to see how God provides during struggle. The 40 sessions in this book will show you the comfort of God's manna in your life. 223223 $17.99 Meant for Good A Study of Joseph Donna Snow Travel through Joseph's story in Genesis to see how he waited patiently through all of his trials for God to use his life for good. Then, in eight weeks, see how God uses your life for good too. 204295 $17.99 Measured by Grace How God Defines Success Sharla Fritz In the Bible, you'll find no lack of sinfulness, shortcomings, rejection, and broken people. Study eight biblical figures and their shortcomings to see how God uses their perceived failures for His plan. 204292 $17.99 W O M E N ' S B I B L E S T U D I E S 1 4 C P H . O R G / F A L L

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