
Supporting Church Workers | Lutheran Life Issue 223

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Room to Grow, Room to Love First, LCEF Ministry Solutions helps our church workers better engage their members and extend the Church's reach. Grace Lutheran Church in Lafayette, Indiana, faced the excellent problem of a community that grew up around them. They desperately wanted to serve these neighbors and reach out to young families but didn't have the capacity. In partnership with LCEF's Ministry Clarity program, part of Ministry Solutions, the vision and path forward became clear for the congregation. This kind of support and clarity also helped Grace's pastor, Rev. Daniel Eggold, to focus on what he does best—providing Christ's gifts to the people in his care while they work together to reach out into the community and serve their neighbors. "We want to help grow the heart, mind, soul, and strength of those at Grace and our community," Eggold said. "We want to love our neighbors as ourselves." Centering on Wellness Sometimes, church work is overwhelming, and burnout can threaten to take hold of our pastors, deaconesses, teachers, and other church workers. That's why LCEF seeks to support church worker wellness to make those overwhelming times more manageable. Grace Place Wellness, part of LCEF Ministry Solutions, provides retreats and wellness resources to keep church workers strong and healthy. Hundreds of church workers have been nurtured through Grace Place Wellness, helping restore joy and vitality to their ministry so they can return and serve their people and communities with vigor. Bringing It Home For many church workers, home ownership feels out of reach. The nuances of church worker calls and commissions aren't easily understood outside Lutheran circles. As a result, it can make it diffi- cult for outside banks to meet the needs of church workers who desire to buy a home. LCEF's Rostered Church Worker Mortgage Loan Program is designed for church workers of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) so they can have their needs cared for by someone who understands those nuances. This was precisely the case for Stephan and Rachel Gonzales. Following a move, these two rostered LCMS teachers dealt with the problematic effects of housing market fluctuations for eighteen months. It caused them to foreclose on one of their homes rather than continue to pay for two homes indefinitely. When they moved again for another call, they were limited to renting due to their previous foreclosure. However, rent was more expensive than the nearby, affordable homes. As longtime investors with LCEF, they knew about its loan program and applied. At long last, they were approved and could finally get back into their own home—nothing short of a mir- acle in their eyes. With that hurdle out of the way, they could focus on what they loved most—serving God's people and teaching the faith. How LCEF Supports Church Workers All who invest with LCEF make it possible for these church workers to carry out their vocations because investments equip LCEF to support our beloved workers. Together, we as the Church nurture those who care for us. And there isn't a church worker out there who would have it any other way—supporting and caring for one another and furthering ministries, just as our Lord intends. "I invest with LCEF because they make home ownership a reality for people like me, and they make ministry possible for churches like the ones I've been a part of," said Rev. Dr. Kevin Austin, associate pastor at Risen Savior Lutheran Church in Chandler, Arizona. "Every step of the way, they're partners in making ministry and personal dreams a reality." We can have peace for today because there's hope for tomorrow. And our hope will not put us to shame. • Learn more at lcef.org Lutheran Life 21

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