
Supporting Church Workers | Lutheran Life Issue 223

Issue link: https://discover.cph.org/i/1505568

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Prayers for a PASTOR Excerpt from Lutheran Book of Prayer © 2005 Concordia Publishing House. All rights reserved. FOR OUR PASTOR(S) Lord Jesus, You are my great High Priest, who intercedes with the Father on my behalf. During Your earthly ministry You called men to be Your apostles, and still today You call men to be pastors in Your Church—to proclaim the Gospel of the forgiveness of sins, to baptize, to nourish Your people with Your holy Supper, and to min- ister in countless ways to Your flock. Grant to my pastor(s) fidelity to Your Word, wisdom by Your Spirit, and strength from above, that he may carry out his calling faith- fully. Make him a fearless confessor of Your truth. Keep him from error in his teaching and from scandal in his life. Give him courage to admonish those who stray, compassion to bind up the broken- hearted, and discernment to apply Law and Gospel to all appropri- ately. May he protect Your flock from ravaging wolves and shepherd Your lambs into green pastures. Move the members of my congregation to have proper respect for our pastor(s), to obey him, and to gladly accept the Word preached to us. Keep our pastor(s) and our parishioners faithful until death, that together we may receive the crown of life; in Your name, O Jesus, the only Savior of the world. Amen. • 6 Lutheran Life

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