Middle School
"Middle schoolers
recognize God is the
Creator of the world."
Middle school students are transitioning out
of their elementary-student identity. In the
elementary years, students may have loved
school and been excited to learn. They may have
participated in class and gotten along well with
their classmates. Elementary students still enjoy
a child's perspective of the world, including
things like believing in Santa Claus and generally
accepting what they have been taught. However,
new middle school students are ready for more
freedom now that they are entering young
Numerous changes are heading toward middle
schoolers—if they haven't begun already. School
may become more challenging, and demands on
grade performance may increase. Interactions
with adults lessen as students spend more time on
homework, chores, extracurriculars, and friends.
Dating is a possibility as hormones begin to
influence students' relationships with the opposite
sex. Decisions have greater consequences
as preteens are faced with peer pressure and
expectations from parents or sports. Middle
schoolers understand technology and are diving
headfirst into the world of social media. Although
many adults shy away from working with middle
schoolers, remember that they are curious, smart,
and altogether goofy—a combination that can
make teaching the faith exciting and fun!
A middle schooler like Ben
believes in God and knows that
Jesus died for him. Ben knows
that his friends and classmates
are his immediate mission field.
He's navigating his own faith
while being exposed to varying
beliefs and questions that the
world stirs up. His job is to do
his best at school and take on
more responsibilities at home.
Ben is growing more confident in
expressing his faith. He notices
how God is active in his life. He
engages in confirmation class
and attends worship. He's excited
to take his first Communion.
Ben spends time in prayer and
takes to heart the concerns and
requests of friends and family.
He has memorized the Lord's
Prayer and the Apostles' Creed.
Ben is influenced by the adults in
his life: his basketball coach, his
youth leader, and his confirmation
teacher, who always encourage
him in his faith.
A Day in the Life
Middle School • 1 • cph.org • Copyright © 2019 Concordia Publishing House