Unit 4 | Lesson 3 | Isaac Is Born


Lesson Text: Genesis 18:1–15; 21:1–7

Bible Verse: Psalm 126:3

Faith Focus: The First Article, Questions 128–30



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Dear heavenly Father, thank You for keeping Your promise to Abraham and Sarah, and thank You for keeping Your promises and for sending Your Son, our Savior, Jesus. In Your name we pray, Lord. Amen

Previous Article
Unit 4 | Lesson 2 | God’s Covenant with Abram
Unit 4 | Lesson 2 | God’s Covenant with Abram

In this lesson, students learn that God promises us a future.

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Unit 4 | Lesson 4 | Abraham and Isaac
Unit 4 | Lesson 4 | Abraham and Isaac

In this lesson, students learn that God saves us from death.

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